Love and relationship horoscope of November 23, 2022 | Astrology

Ram: Today’s romantic outlook can be a bit shaky. You might be surprised by how you feel if you’ve been in an optimistic period. Tempers can flare up and cool down unexpectedly. Your lover may not know whether or not to offer you a passionate embrace. You should explain your mixed feelings and reassure them that everything will be fine shortly.

Bull: You are conflicted about how you feel about the person you have admired for so long. You used to be head over heels in love, but now you’re starting to notice flaws in what was once an ideal relationship. Stay strong and you will find love again. Maybe some time apart can help you sort through your emotions and make peace. Think about it!

Gemini: It’s the perfect time to finally invite that special someone you’ve been secretly courting for some time to that romantic social gathering you’ve been planning with your closest friends. Expect authenticity, friendliness and candid conversation during this interaction. If you tell that person what you think of them, you will see the walls crumble and love fill the void.

Cancer: Your significant other might not be able to fulfill all of your desires right now. As you prepare for your next move, they may feel left out and unhappy. Maybe you’ve been too spread out to give your partner the attention they want right now. You shouldn’t be in such a rush; there is no prize for being the first to finish.

Leo: Today, do everything you can to avoid any fight, no matter how small, that could leave a sour taste in either of your mouths. Today, focus on the long-term happiness you seek and practice forgiveness and patience. If you allow small disagreements between you, it will only increase discontent and decrease trust. Do not react to any situation and remain calm at all costs.

Virgin: It would be a wonderful time for you and your partner to collaborate and work together on a project. All of your brilliant ideas that have been floating around in your head regarding your home or your shared resources can finally be implemented. If you can pass the preparation phase without major problems, you shouldn’t have too many problems with the rest of the work.

Balance: You are looking for methods to invest more in your relationship since romance is important to you now. The goal of your day is to make your partner happy, so you’re ready to do whatever they need. The more you help your companion, the more he will want to help you in return. Over time, your bond will grow stronger thanks to this pattern.

Scorpio: It’s natural to have doubts about your partner’s long-term commitment right now. However, your position may also be uncertain. The desire to be married one minute, the freedom of commitment the next: this is how your feelings about commitment sometimes waver. Before criticizing someone, check if you are not guilty of the same thing.

Sagittarius: Make room for love to grow in your heart. The endless saga of a specific love story can go much further today. You will have many opportunities to grow closer to each other and deepen your commitment to each other. Even though you’ve tried to keep things light, you can’t deny that the attraction between the two of you grows stronger every day.

Capricorn: Today’s vibes set a pretty clear boundary on where your date can go. You and your potential partner are aware of intense emotions for each other, but you’re not sure whether to act immediately or wait a while. No matter how strong your feelings for each other are, you can give in to temptation and indulge in sensual conversations. Be aware of your actions.

Aquarius: Talking to your partner can feel awkward right now. You and your partner are more attuned to the subtle inflections of tone in each other’s speech. It is possible to overcome your defensiveness and start treating your partner with the respect and consideration they deserve. If you can talk about issues without blaming anyone, you can keep a conversation on track.

Pisces: You need to reframe your expectations if you’re still waiting for “the one” to come into your life. Today’s Mood recommends that you re-evaluate your perspective and maybe reflect on the fact that the only way to meet this very funny person is to start having fun yourself. If you start living in the present and having fun, you’ll meet someone wonderful in no time.


Neeraj Dhankher

(Vedic Astrologer, Founder – Astro Zindagi)

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


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